Dates: 02nd – 06th September 2024; Monday, 9.00 hrs to Friday 18:30 hrs
Location: Hotel Sweet Atlantic, Av. 25 de Abril 21, 3080-086 Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Main organizers: Isabel M. Carreira, Joana B. Melo, Susana Ferreira (Coimbra, Portugal)
Co-Advisor: Thomas Liehr (Jena, Germany)
Registration: Open from 1st February -31st May 2024 (including fellowship application)
Costs: EUR 500
(including coffee-breaks, 5 lunches and 1 dinner, USB-drive; book ‘Human Genetics –
Edition 2020: A Basic Training Package’ (T Liehr));
ESHG fellowships are available to cover tuition and partial travel fees.
Travel and stay: to be organized by the participants themselves
Preliminary program
– Each day starts at 9.00 hrs and finishes around 18:30 hrs;
– Two coffee and one lunch breaks are scheduled each day;
– Every day will contain a practical part;
– At the end of each day a written exam will be taken;
– A certificate will be issued at the end of the course (in case of successful participation).
• Basics of Human Genetics and Genetic Counselling
• Cytogenetics
• Molecular Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics I
• Molecular Genetics II
• Molecular Genetics III, Biochemical Genetics and future directions of the field