3Gb-TEST course on NGS;
“Next-generation sequencing in a diagnostic setting”
20-23th April 2015
Hotel Pyramida, Prague, Czech Republic
A 4-day course on Next Generation Sequencing in Prague – Czech Republic in the period
of 20-23th April 2015. The focus of the course is on clinical diagnostics using exome/
genome sequences, variant identification and analysis including afternoon practicals
(limited places). The course will also include an evening symposium co-organised by
Milan Macek; “Genotranslation: Interpretation of genome data in diagnostics”
Some of the topics to be covered:
- Targeted sequencing
- Wet lab procedures
- Annotation and priorization of variants
- NGS Problems and solutions
- Data analysis
- Afternoon practicals
(limited places available – participants should bring their own laptop)
Programme, details and registration:
Programme: http://3Gb-TEST.eu/
Venue: Hotel Pyramida in Prague – Czech Republic
Registration fee: With practicals: €250,- excl. accommodation (limited places)
Without practicals: €200,- excl. accommodation
Accommodation: €80,- single / €85,- double room p.n.